THIS MIX TREATS 96 GALLONS OF SOIL WHICH EQUALS ROUGHLY 10 - 1.5 CUBIC FOOT BAGS OF BASE SOIL THIS IS THE LARGEST AND MOST ECONOMICAL TYPE OF SOIL AMENDMENT MIX SOLD ANYWHERE YOU CAN FIND THEM . JUST CHECK AND YOU WILL SEE! Ingredients Alfalfa Meal 2.5-0.5-2.5 Azomite 70+ Trace Minerals Bat Guano 0-7-0 Blood Meal 13-0-0 Bone Meal 2-14-0 Dolomite Lime - 50% Calcium Carbonate 40% Magnesium Carbonate Epsom Salt - 9.8% Magnesium 12.9% Combined Sulfur Feather Meal 12-0-0 Greensand 0-1-5 Humic Acid - 90% Pure Kelp Meal 1-0.1-1.5 Oyster Shell - 35% Calcium Potassium Sulfate 0-0-53 plus 18% Sulfur (Natural Mineral) Soft Rock Phosphate 0-3-0 Bag Contains 10 lbs. The mix couldn’t be any easier to use. Use Earthworm Castings at a 3:1 ratio with your organic potting media or use Earthworm castings enriched potting media. Fill the container 2/3 full with potting media, spread ¼ cup of nutrients per gallon of container capacity to pot, add recommended amount of earthworm casting and stir mix and castings in well with garden trowel. Fill container to 1 inch from top with potting media. Make hole for transplant, moisten root system slightly, coat root system with 1 tablespoon Mycorrhizal Fungi ( Extreme Gardening Brand ) preferably. Cover root system with potting media and gently press to set root. Water as needed for the remainder of the growth and flower cycle. This mix is great for established plants also! Any questions can be addressed to the e-mail address on the label. Make sure plants have a healthy root system before transplanting to the grow container for maximum growth and yields. Alfalfa Meal is an excellent soil conditioner that provides a rich source of trace elements and natural growth stimulants. Alfalfa Meal accelerates growth and promotes larger, more plentiful blooms. It is also useful as a compost bio-activator due to its high organic matter content and ideal Carbon-to-Nitrogen ratio. Azomite is a natural material that contains no additives, synthetics or fillers. Tests reveal that the material contains a broad spectrum of over 70+ minerals and trace elements. It is odorless and will not burn plants, restrict aeration or water penetration. Bat Guano is harvested using bat friendly methods to contain a high quantity of available nitrogen or phosphorous that is especially helpful during the growing, flowering and fruiting process. Bone Meal is an organic fertilizer that been used in vegetable gardens for hundreds of years and contains phosphates. Phosphorus is a necessary nutrient for all plants. Dolomite Lime is certainly allowed in organic gardening. It is used to raise the ph or “sweeten” in acidic soil situations. Epsom Salt is essential to the development of vigorous plants because it has magnesium and sulfur that helps to achieve better plant growth and increased yields. Feather Meal is an all-natural source of slow-release nitrogen; it is perfect for all types of vegetables from corn to tomatoes. For early, mid, and fall harvested vegetables. It should be incorporated into soils before planting or as a side dressed during the growing season. It provides a steady release of nitrogen necessary for optimum plant growth which is essential for all types of growing plants. Greensand is a natural iron potassium silicate (also known as glauconite) that has the consistency of sand but has 10 times the moisture absorption capability. It is an excellent source of iron, potassium, phosphorus, silicate and trace elements. Humic Acid are important chelators that work by combining minerals into organic compounds making them more available and absorbable to plants. They also bind up toxins therefore making them less available to plants. Kelp Meal is a natural 100% organic fertilizer that is made from dried ocean seaweed. It is full of beneficial vitamins and mineral; this all-purpose soil treatment works great on all potassium loving plants and vegetables. Oyster Shell is an all-natural high quality source of calcium which is an essential plant nutrient. Ancient oyster shells are carefully harvested and then ground into various size particles. Their irregular shapes provide a sustained release of this valuable nutrient. Oyster Shell also helps in improving the structure of soils and enhances tilth of it. (Tillage also known as tilth). Potassium Sulfate enhances plant root growth. Makes plants more disease resistant by improving their immune system. Improves plant protein synthesis that energizes them for healthy growth by balancing the plants metabolism. Makes for better quality of plants and yields. Soft Rock Phosphate also known as Colloidal Phosphate is an all-natural powder form of the element phosphorous, which is needed to make plants grow strong and healthy.