Opuntia x 'Goldie Rita Cactus', 1 adult cutting 2-4" in length This hybrid cross between a O. Baby Rita and O. Macrocentra grows upto 2.5' tall. They turn purple when cold or when kept distressed. It produces a yellow with red center flower during spring. It is cold hardy to 15 °F. These will have no roots, you will need to plant in the ground or in a pot. General cactus propagation videos can be located on Youtube. Each delivery will be properly boxed and the cuttings will be in a bag. Last picture will show an example of the type of plant you will receive. When ordering, be mindful that living cactus can freeze. If you order to an area that is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, we will not replace/refund for cold damage Please consider purchasing plant until the weather is more suitable.