FoxFarm Soluble Nutrient Trio Open Sesame, Cha Ching & Beastie Bloomz Dry Fertilizer (1/2 Teaspoon Per Gallon Once Per Week) PLUS OPTIONAL BUD BUILDER 100 Bud Builder/Blaster 100 Boost Photosynthesis & Increase Metabolic Bud Growth CHECK OUT THE YOUTUBE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE UNDER BUD BUILDER BY DL WHOLESALE "The Best Amino acid supplement on the market!" JUSTIN LINDSEY - CANNABIS CUP WINNER 2018,2020,2022 OPEN SESAME SOLUBLE FERTILIZER For Early Flowering Stage 5 - 45 - 19 BEASTIE BLOOMZ SOLUBLE FERTILIZER For Mid-Flowering Stage 0 - 50 - 30 CHA CHING SOLUBLE FERTILIZER For Late Flowering Through Harvest 9 - 50 - 10 BUD BUILDER 100 4 Ounce Bottle (makes 100 Gallons) Bud Builder is a super concentrated blend of plant protein. Bud Builder is a one part additive for hydroponic, soil, and foliar applications used throughout the plant's life cycle. Bud Builder is used in addition to your normal fertilizer program. Bud Builder is easy to use and your plants will love it. Bud Builder enhances nutrient uptake and transport in your plants. Bud Builder enhances photosynthesis within plants and increases metabolic growth. When and where to use: Ideal for foliar application, root-drench application or soil amendment. For foliar use: Mix one (0.5)ml with one (1) gallon of water. Mist or spray the surface of plant leaves to the point of runoff. Apply every other week. For hydroponic use: Mix (1)ml with one (1) gallon of water. For soil use: Mix 1 to 2 ml with one (1) gallon of water. Apply generously around the base of the plant. Follow with regular irrigation. Apply every other week.