COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE SEEDS (Picea pungens) With the dull Bluish Grey to Silvery Blue Needles, One of the Most Beautiful Evergreens, the Colorado Blue is Perfect for anything from Landscaping, Bonsai, and is often used as Christmas trees. Also the Official State Tree of Both Colorado & Utah. Grown as a Bonsai, or when used for Landscaping Projects around the House, the Shape is left up to Your Imagination, but naturally the tree reaches a height of 65~115' at maturity with a diameter of 2~3'. It grows with a narrow, pyramidal tree with a cone shaped crown. Lo ng lived, reaching between the ages of 600~800 years old. Requirements: Zones: 2 to 8 Light: Full Sun Water: Moderate Nutrients: Moderate Blue Spruce Germination 1) Soak the seeds in room temperature water overnight. 2) Keep the seeds in refrigerated, soil-filled zip-lock bags for four to six weeks after the initial soaking, a process that mimics the natural dormancy period they would experience during winter months in the wild. 3) Check them weekly to make sure they don't dry out. Keep them moist, not wet. 4) When planting, just sprinkle them on top, and barely cover them with a Very Light layer of soil. 5) Germination will begin 10-14 days after planting them. "Please Contact us First if you Need Anything" Germinación de la pícea azul 1) Remoje las semillas en agua a temperatura ambiente durante la noche. 2) Guarde las semillas en bolsas con cierre hermético refrigeradas y llenas de tierra durante cuatro a seis semanas después del remojo inicial, un proceso que imita el período de latencia natural que experimentarían durante los meses de invierno en la naturaleza. 3) Revíselas semanalmente para asegurarse de que no se sequen. Manténgalas húmedas, no mojadas. 4) Al plantarlas, simplemente espolvoréelas por encima y cúbralas apenas con una capa muy ligera de tierra. 5) La germinación comenzará entre 10 y 14 días después de plantarlas. "Comuníquese con nosotros primero si necesita algo" Will ship as soon as payment is received. "BUY WITH CONFIDENCE!!!" As Customer Service is our #1 Priority.