Planting Instructions: Indoor Planting: Season: Indoors, you can plant Bowl Lotus seeds year-round, as long as you can provide the right conditions similar to their natural growing environment. Setup: Choose a wide, shallow container that is at least 12 inches in diameter. Fill it with dense, clay-rich soil and water. Seed Preparation: Gently file the hard casing of each seed to help water absorption. Soak the seeds in warm water until they start to sprout, changing the water daily. Planting: Plant the sprouted seeds in the soil, ensuring that the growth tip is just above the soil surface. Submerge the container in water, maintaining a water depth of about 2-4 inches above the soil. Light: Place the container in a location that receives at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight per day, such as a sunny window sill or under grow lights. Temperature: Maintain an indoor temperature of 70-90°F to encourage growth and flowering. Outdoor Planting: Season: For outdoor planting, start in spring through early fall to ensure the seeds have enough warmth to germinate and grow. Location: Choose a sunny spot in your garden pond or an outdoor container that can accommodate a shallow water setup. Seed Preparation: Similar to indoor planting, file the seeds and soak them in warm water until they sprout. Planting: Use a wide, shallow pond or container filled with heavy, clay-rich soil. Plant the sprouted seeds so that the soil covers the roots but leaves the sprout exposed above the water. Water Depth: Initially, keep the water depth around 2-4 inches. As the plants grow, you can gradually increase the depth to support larger plants. Sunlight: Ensure the location receives at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Temperature: Outdoor temperatures should ideally be between 70-90°F during the growing period. Care Tips: Water Quality: Change the water weekly to keep it clean and clear of algae, especially important in indoor settings. Fertilization: Once your plants have several sets of leaves, begin fertilizing with a slow-release aquatic plant fertilizer to promote healthy growth and blooming. Pruning: Regularly trim spent blooms and yellowing leaves to encourage new growth and maintain plant health. Whether planted indoors without seasonal restrictions or outdoors with a natural cycle, these Bowl Lotus seeds offer a unique opportunity to cultivate stunning water plants that add beauty and tranquility to any space.